I believe that the unborn child is human.
I believe life begins at conception.
I believe that abortion is not safe.
I believe that abortion is a war on the unborn.
I believe that the Roe v. Wade decision, legalizing abortion on demand in America, was one of the
most important and devastating Supreme Court decisions.
I believe that a constitutional amendment should be passed that gives equal protection to all living
humans, including the unborn.
I believe that the violence inside and outside abortion clinics is morally wrong.
I believe that rape and incest are horrible crimes and should be punished, but I don't believe
that a child conceived from either should be killed.
I do not believe that the government should fund abortions.
I do not believe that the government should fund Planned Parenthood - the largest national supplier
of abortions.
Being a religious person, I believe that the Bible backs up my views on abortion.
Here is what I think all Pro-Life people should be doing to help stop abortion:
Taken from http://abortionfacts.com/life_or_choice/prolife_information.asp